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We proudly embrace the values and philosophy of IEP – (Individual Education Plan) throughout the school across all grades so students are prepared for the future within an enquiry - based learning environment. Our students learn how to learn and not just what to know. Your child’s learning journey will be individualised based upon his unique needs, thanks to our low teacher - student ratio rate of only 1:8, providing higher levels of direct teacher contact time.

Independent Learning Platform

Research shows us, that the number of hours students are engaged in lessons and learning throughout the normal school day here at DIS is sufficient to cover the content of the curriculum and attain well in their end-of-year assessments. However, we also know that some students will want to go further and deeper into subjects that they enjoy or a subject they want to perform better in. We also know that the teacher will want certain students to spend more time on particular topics if they have fallen behind, need more practice, or prepare in advance for a lesson. With that in mind, we have assembled an Independent Learning Platform for students to use throughout each term to supplement their studies. The site illustrates what students are learning in class to help parents guide and direct their child to learning they can do at home.

We expect all students to use the Independent Learning Platform extensively throughout the year, but its use is facilitated through student choice and parent and teacher guidance/intervention.

What happens if a student falls behind in a subject or is not meeting the academic standards we expect?

1. The teacher will inform the respective parents by email or phone that they are seeing underperformance and why this is the case.

2. The teacher will sign-post them to the relevant section of the Independent Learning Site to work on areas of weakness.

3. The teacher may also invite them to a subject intervention session either at lunch or after school so that additional guidance can be given to narrow gaps in this under-performance. Assessment

At EIS we use assessment to build learning pathways, ensuring personalised approached for students that accelerate progress and attainment.

At EIS we use the learning objectives from the IEP Curriculum to assess student learning. Our pupils are assessed against Age- Related Expectations. Observation, questioning and marking, practical activities, digital technologies are just a few examples of how our teachers assess what each child has learnt. Daily ongoing teacher assessments build the picture for a Progress comment and a score on the EIS Attainment Scale. Teachers then personalize pupils learning to ensure all gaps are closed and learners are exceeding average progress.